Going Green

9 Simple Items You Need To Fix A Blocked Sink

Whatever your problem -- a sink that’s draining ever so slowly or that's completely blocked...

Bedroom Ceiling Fans: Here's What You Need To Know

Would you like to sleep comfortably cool while saving electricity? Consider bedroom ceiling...

Safe Healthy Fruits And Vegetables During Coronavirus

Today’s post is inspired by two mistakes I made. In the COVID-19 pandemic, I (together...

Dog Vomit Slime Is GOOD: A Lighthearted Look At Houseplant Care

Eew! What’s that? As the proud houseplant care giver to 22 beautiful specimens, I’d...

Paver Installation Can Make Your Yard Look Awesome

Time to get your hardscape in shape for outdoor living! Paver installation is a great way to...

What Are Low-E Windows And How Do They Work?

Why are low e glass windows such a hot topic in today’s home improvement news? Well,...

7 Creative Ways Of Upcycling Plastic Bottles

Science has spoken: Although reusing plastic bottles for your drinking water does not cause...

Dry Stone Walling

Ever heard of dry stone walling? It’s worth investigating if you're looking for a ruggedly...

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