Solid Gold Vinyl House Numbers? Yes, It is Real.
If you have a transom on which to put a house number, consider yourself lucky. Having a transom means that you most likely own a brownstone or a townhouse, and that brownstone or townhouse might even be located in an historical district. If you’re looking into putting authentic, historic-looking house numbers on a transom, I want to be you. Well, I like being me, but I would like to own a house like yours.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, "transom" is the word for the horizontal window above a transom bar or beam. You see them on brownstones, Georgian-style buildings and historic townhouses.
It became customary to paint a house number on the transom of one’s house in the 1800s. The style has endured, although hand-painted gold numbering is getting scarce. Enter the market for vinyl decals, a less expensive way to achieve the look. Vinyl house numbers are a cool solution for the modern, but historically-minded, homeowner.
The House Number Lab specializes in vinyl transom numbers. The company claims to use green practices in their office and workshop. What I am saying is that although the word “vinyl” reeks of plastic, these house numbers are probably a pretty sustainable product.
What they look like is hand-gilded house numbers, or hand-painted house numbers, except there is no painting contractor involved. Their three gold leaf options come in 23.5K gold, and both burnished and matte 22K gold. They also offer contemporary silver metallic house number decals, decals that replicate the look of etched glass, and an inexpensive white vinyl version.
The curves and shadows of the numbers are realistic. Quite charmingly, the House Number Lab explains on their website during which era each style of house number was popular, so that you can get an accurate match for an historical house.
Chaya Kurtz writes for
Updated April 17, 2018.
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