Inspired Living

Repurpose Tree Trimmings As A Charming Twig Fence

Would you like just a bit more privacy in your urban front yard? We're talking about a friendly...

Why Brutalist Architecture Is Hated And Loved

While it may sound off-putting or even a little scary, Brutalism is actually a distinctive...

Fun Fall Crafts: Decorate Your Home With Autumn Fruit

With the change of season, you're probably looking for fun fall crafts, as well as a few home...

Freeze Produce Now To Enjoy Summer Flavor All Year

Nature’s bounty is at its peak as summer winds down. Are you lucky enough to have your...

Repurposed Money! Old Coins, New Uses

Nowadays the Internet is full of bright ideas on how to save money by repurposing just about...

Repurpose Wood Fencing As Home Décor

What’s old is new these days in the home decor field, where used wooden fencing is in...

12 Things To Do With Your Old Shoes

Outworn, outgrown or out of style, old shoes are a fact of life. And unlike easily recycled...

Transform Your Home Without Buying A Thing

Are you depressed by the blah look of your personal space when you come home at the end of...