Life Hacks

Cleaning With Salt

As an enthusiastic green-cleaning connoisseur, I’ve tried almost every DIY solution...

How To Wash Skunk Smell Out Of Your Clothes

Did you (or your kids) get skunked? Then you know just how malodorous that skunky "perfume"...

DIY Christmas Trees From Recycled Materials

As a home improvement editor, I witness the amazing panoply of DIY crafts and decor that...

We Tested It: Cleaning With Vinegar

The real secret to cleaning with vinegar is to not be an overconfident jerk about it. But we’ll...

DIY Foot Odor Remedies

Admit it. Sometimes your feet smell. It's OK. We won't tell anyone. You don't even have to...

5 Ways To Make Ice Cream Without An Ice Cream Machine

When we were kids, ice cream was ice cream. It was all good. It didn't matter if it came out...

The Many Uses Of Cinnamon For Your Home

Cinnamon sticks and cinnamon powder: Both can make your house smell great! A wise old man...

Party Tricks: Keeping Pests Away From Outdoor Parties

We are getting to the time of the year that graduation parties abound. If you're planning...