Interior Design

Common DIY Interior Design Mistakes

A home decorating and design project is very exciting to undertake. There are so many pretty...

What's Your Interior Design Style? A Quiz

What's your interior design style? If you're either country casual or city sleek, the difference...

How To Hire Interior Design Services

When I was new in the interior design business, people used to ask me who my "ideal client"...

Arranging Eclectic Furniture

One of the most difficult design styles to really get right is an eclectic one. Whether we're...

Choosing A Border For Your Wallpaper

Wallpaper borders come in every size and style imaginable, and they are a cost-effective...

How To Choose Interior Color Schemes

As a decorator, I've noticed that the single biggest source of fear and angst for homeowners...

How To Create Private Bedroom Space In A Small Loft Or Studio

When you live in a small loft or studio apartment, you already know that privacy is a precious...

Multitasking Studio Apartment Ideas

When you live in a studio apartment, it is essential that your space be organized and efficient....