Heating & Cooling

Unscrambling The AFUE Mess: Which Boilers Waste Energy?

Those little yellow AFUE rating labels stuck on new boilers lead to inaccurate claims. Most...

Identifying A Bad Smell From The Radiator

Photo of pink vintage radiator by theogeo/Flickr. Ah, the sweet sensation of radiators...

When To Replace Your Baseboard Heater Covers

Photo credit: BaseboardHeaterCovers.com Hydronic baseboard heaters are a great way to heat...

Help For A Clanking Radiator

Photo of a radiator by GeS/Flickr. Old steam radiators can make more racket than Marley's...

How Much Does A New Furnace Cost?

If you live in a cold city like Newark, New Jersey and your furnace is not working properly,...

The Importance Of Having Insulation In Your Ductwork

Ductwork refers to the system of ducts and pipes that circulate heated or cooled air throughout...

The Wood-Burning Fireplace. Energy Efficient?

The image of a fireplace is popularly associated with the warm, cozy feeling of a home....

Furnace And Boiler Maintenance

Homes throughout the United States are most often warmed with heat from furnaces or boilers....