Maintenance & Tools

What To Do About A Sticking Door

What is a sticking door anyway? It's a door that gets stuck in its frame, making it difficult...

DIY Spring Home Maintenance And Save Money

Are you looking to save money on taking care of your house? Now that spring is finally here,...

4 Potential Problems With Old Homes - And Why We Love Them Anyway

Either you love them to pieces or you just don’t get what all the fuss is about. We’re...

Survey Shows Why A Wet Basement Is Bad News And How To Avoid It

Whether you rent or own, the verdict comes out the same – living in a home with a wet...

The Positive And Negative Effects Of Hard Water

Let's talk about water. Specifically, hard water. Did you know that 85 percent of the USA...

6 Ways Winter Can Damage Your Home And How To Fight It

Winter can be a tough season. Wind, snow, and hail combined with bone-chillingly low temperatures...

What To Do About A Sagging Ceiling

Look up. Is your ceiling sagging? A sagging ceiling is on its way toward collapsing -- deal...

Newbie Guide To Gas Fireplace Maintenance

Okay, okay, it’s true – I have a very healthy dose of caution when it comes to...