
10 Halloween Pranks That Don't Damage Property

Smashing pumpkins is a cliche, and only serves to make a mess. TP-ing a house isn’t a...

Landscaping: 12 Classic Outdoor Toys For The Young At Heart

When I was a kid, I remember playing in a tire swing that hung from a large walnut tree in...

Valentine's Day: Cheap Ways To Make Your Home More Romantic

Ah, Valentine’s Day. That lovely day that can make single people feel left out and couples...

Green And Creative Wreaths

It’s time to deck the halls for Christmas and it all starts at the front door. While an evergreen...

10 Spooky-Chic Halloween Home Accessories

Decorating for Halloween has been a growing trend for several years and now rivals Christmas...

Pre-Thanksgiving Check List

Many homeowners I know look forward to Thanksgiving with simultaneous excitement and apprehension....

DIY Wednesday: How To Clean Up Halloween Pranks

Happy Halloween, Networx readers. Today I'd like to offer you some DIY tips for the holiday...

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