Family & Pets

How Will You Be Decorating Your Pumpkins?

By this time of year, those pumpkins you planted should be ripening up, and if you didn't plant...

Need Temporary Chickens? Rent-a-Hen Has You Covered

Ah, the sound of happy clucking in the backyard, the pleasure of seeing chickens sun themselves...

Backyard Chickens And Creative Coops

There are so many reasons to keep backyard chickens, which is why so many people are jumping...

Four Ways To Keep Pets Safe On July Fourth

It's so easy to forget the whereabouts of a pet on July 4th. Between manning the grill, watching...

Carpet Smells Like Dog

I love my dog. I love him with all of my heart, even though he hogs the bed and his untamable...

Gardening Gifts For Mom

Mothers who garden might be the most fun to buy gifts for. There are so many unexpected, beautiful,...

Mother's Day Gift Guide For Home Improvement Fans

Mother's Day is an opportunity to give a gift from the heart. Or maybe from the workshop?...

Building The Ultimate DIY Fort

There is no point in life in which forts cease to be fun. Take almost any activity that you...