
Make Your Home Smell Like Chocolate

There are few things as great as the taste of chocolate. It's sweet, delicious, and for many...

10 Weird Ways To Cook A Turkey

Benjamin Franklin was a big fan of the turkey, so much so that he nominated the humble bird...

Vegetarian Recipes For Thanksgiving

Paul & Elizabeth's is a 31-year-old natural foods restaurant in Northampton, MA. Although...

Kitchen Experiment: DIY Doritos

Devotees of classic Nacho Cheese flavor Doritos® know deep in their hearts that this is...

We Tried It: Eating Jack-o-Lantern

Can you eat a Jack-o-lantern? In a word, yes. It tastes OK (if a little bland without spices,...

Household Uses For Cayenne Pepper

The fiery bite of cayenne pepper can make food sing with flavor, but did you know that this...

Common, Inexpensive Healthy Foods You're Probably Not Eating

So maybe you eat an apple a day and crunch on carrots, and you gladly consume your recommended...

15 Problems You Can Solve With Oatmeal

At a recent morning bike event, a company was handing out sample packets of savory oatmeal...