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Ray's Carpentry & Home Improvement / Set In Stone of New England

Main Services: Handyman Services, Carpentry and Home Improvements

Description: We offer a home improvement experience that is stress-free, seamless, and delivers ultimate quality. As an experienced business owner who is properly registered and insured, I understand the importance of delivering a high level of design and home improvement know-how to all of my clients.

Our services include
Handyman Services for big or small jobs

We have extensive experience in:
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling
Additions and Finished Basements
Cabinets and Custom Built-Ins
Floors and Subfloors
Framing and Windows
Dormers and Siding
Decks, Cabanas, Sheds, Pergolas
Framing, Soffits

You can expect quality and craftsmanship built on these ideals:

•Professional, reliable, skilled craftsmen who will work with you from design to final inspection, respecting your time
and property.
•Payment plans to fit your budget.
•A finished product that you will enjoy for years to come.

Our calendar fills up fast. Please contact us for a free estimate of your project needs and ensure optimum
schedule placement.

Call 401-368-5500 or email us at
We look forward to working with you.

Service Area: Clayville, Saunderstown, Albion, Wood River Junction, Barrington, Jamestown, Cumberland, Wyoming, Rockville, Peace Dale, Smithfield, Westerly, Kingston, North Providence, Adamsville, Charlestown, West Greenwich, Johnston, Riverside, Greene, Lincoln, Slocum, Narragansett, Bradford, Harmony, Providence, Exeter, Central Falls, Portsmouth, Rumford

What sets us apart from other contractors: We respect for your time, budget, and your property. Each job is unique and we strive for the best customer service for our clients.

We are best known for: Attention to detail and professionalism.

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1 Reviews

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Work Description: Ray remodeled my basement.

Comments: I am absolutely happy with his work. He will be coming back in the Spring to do work on the patio.
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