Main Services: Residential and Tenant Improvement Painting Services
Since 1964, the Baughman family has painted over 5,000 residential homes and tenant improvement projects. Our professional painting business first began with our father, Chuck Baughman. It later passed on to David, his son, and now includes his grandson, Nicholas ~ today our "family” has grown to include trustworthy, dependable and experienced painters.
Our prices are always competitive~ We do this by organizing each job for maximum efficiency. Every employee has been personally trained to perform his job in the correct order and to apply the best painting technique for each individual painting need. By applying this painting method along with the best tools and products for each job, we save time, and that saves YOU money!
In the painting business, efficiency counts! We carry a large supply of tarps, plastic sheeting, taping machines and other materials that will be required for all your interior and exterior house painting or tenant improvement projects. This insures that the slightest amount of paint over-spray does not drift on top of driveways, walkways, patios, or landscaping and that all areas are left neat and clean upon completion.
Thorough surface preparation, correct and experienced paint application, and top quality products like Sherwin Williams, Kelly-Moore and others, help to insure a long lasting job. By consistently applying these three components we continue to improve our professional painting services to all of our customers interior and exterior house painting or tenant improvement painting needs.
The Legacy Painting family is the painting team for you. Every job is guaranteed in writing, and more importantly, we will be there to back it up in the years to come. Our list of satisfied customers is our most important asset! Contact us today for a free painting estimate for all of your professional painting needs.
1 Reviews
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Work Description: They painted exterior wood, siding, trim, and a front door.
Comments: I am very happy with Legacy Painting. They did an amazing job.-
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