Main Services: Interior, Exterior Painting,Deck and Fence Staining
Enhance your home's value and curb appeal with new paint, applied by A & B Professional Painters. We know how to turn faded, peeling, painted surfaces into engaging neighborhood centerpieces.
You'll benefit from the A & B Professional Painters advantage when we paint your home. We'll pressure scrub the exterior of your house to remove all grime, dirt, and debris so that the paint can adhere to a good, dry surface. We caulk up any cracks, scrape or sand any loose paint, and prepare the house for painting. This process is important; without good preparation, the paint job will crack, fade, and chip away in a short amount of time and need to be redone.
What sets us apart from other contractors: Friendly company that gives detailed oriented work for a friendly price
We are best known for: Treating every house as our own.