Going Green

Winter Fan Rotation: More Heat For Less Money

Ceiling fans are a great invention. First developed in the 1860s, these fans get the air moving...

Recycling Kitchen Cabinets – How It Works

Reusing, recycling, and repurposing have caught on among Americans in a big way. Recycling...

Getting The Most From Your ENERGY STAR Appliances

ENERGY STAR appliances bear one of the most recognized certifications in America. but you may...

What You Need To Know About Gas Fireplaces

Fireplaces have evolved right along with the American home. Colonial houses were literally...

Cutting The Costs Of Home Heating

Lowering the thermostat by one degree Fahrenheit can cut heating costs by three percent;...

Energy Efficient Window Frames

Old, drafty windows can cause up to 50 percent of heat loss in the winter, and at least...

Recycled Rubber Flooring

Rubber flooring may conjure images of restaurant kitchens and day care centers, but attractive...

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