Recognizing Electrical Hazards in the Workplace

Every year, thousands of people are severely injured in the workplace due to workplace electrical hazards. Sadly, a great number of these injuries could have been prevented. Learning how to recognize possible workplace electrical hazards is the best way to avoid a serious accident. The good news is that all of the following steps are easy to accomplish and easy to remember.
Power Off
Many people often make the mistake of attempting to repair an electrical device before shutting off that device. While making sure that an object is completely turned off prior to repairing that object may seem obvious, far too many people assume that an electrical object is safe if the "off” button has been pressed. But this is a dire mistake – any electrical current running through an object must be completely closed prior to conducting repair work.
Update Your Equipment
Another reason why people are electrocuted daily is because they use old equipment. To avoid all workplace electrical hazards, do not use any equipment that has frayed wires or missing segments. The slightest torn wire can cause a massive electrical shock. Even if replacing an object, it is far better to spend then money than to wind up hurt.
Avoid Wires
Also, it is vital that you do not work anywhere near electrical power lines. Many workplace electrical hazards stem from working too close to power lines. If you aren’t sure where power lines are located, take the time to find out. Cutting into a power line can result in a deadly shock – keep in mind that some power lines are hidden, so obtaining copies of a building’s blueprints is a good idea.
Suit Up
Lastly, never forgo the proper electrical gear. When working with any electrical object, wear protective hand and eye gear in addition to proper clothing. If you do not have the right clothing for the job, make sure to purchase special electrical work gear. Far too many workers fall prey to electrical burns simply because they were not wearing protective clothing.
By following these basic rules, you can avoid workplace electrical hazards. While some accidents may not be caused by human mistakes, most accidents within the workplace are entirely preventable. Electrical hazards in the workplace are no laughing matter, but they can be avoided by taking the aforementioned precautions.
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